
Clinton Mafia

The above recording is a snippet of a 2010 conversation between Q and Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (Hillary Clinton's enforcer) discussing a confidentiality agreement used by Clinton mafia to rig the 2012 election (Q has several incriminating recorded conversations with Ed). Gabriel was Hillary Clinton's main campaign advisor and also the individual who orchestrated for the Wilmington Delaware FBI to kidnap Q as part of Clinton's subsequent attempt to steal the 2016 election. The Q-Boro "Spaghettigate" scandal (which was posted online from 2013-2016) involves Ed Gabriel, Frank Wisner and Mohamed Zkhiri (of Yacout Restaurant in Marrakesh, Morocco), and is the source material for the copycat Q-Anon "Pizzagate" scandal that was leaked immediately prior to the 2016 election (alleging that the Clinton pedophile ring was instead operating out of "Comet Ping Pong" Restaurant in Washington DC.

The following AST ARCHIVE provides sample documents which cover various AST scandals that started to go public in 2008-2009 (while the more serious scandals remain suppressed).

The following ED GABRIEL ARCHIVE provides sample documents relating to Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel, Hillary Clinton's campaign advisor in 2016 and the FBI's "front man" in this scandal since approximately 2008.

The following DELAWARE ARCHIVE provides sample documents relating to how the AST corporation, FBI and federal judiciary attempted to rig the 2016 election by kidnapping Q on a false "threat" charge to prevent him from travelling to the Middle East to conduct a press conference exposing the crimes of Hillary Clinton prior to the 2016 election.